Initial Application - Dental Hygienist

Once a license application has been received by the Board, the applicant may then begin submitting other required documents such as transcripts, copies of diploma etc.  All application fees are nonrefundable, even if the application is subsequently denied or the applicant fails to complete the application within 12 months. The Board will not discuss or give information regarding the application with anyone other than the applicant. Applicants may view the NDBDE website to review documents that have been received by the Board.

Applications must be complete within 12 months of filing. 

The Board cannot grant a license unless all requirements have been met. 

All applicants must be a graduate of a program accredited by the ADA's Commission on Dental Accreditation. 

Applicants are required to submit fingerprints and undergo a criminal background check. The appropriate forms will be sent to the applicant upon receipt of the application and application fee. The Board will seek information from recognized data sources including the National Practitioners Data Bank, liability insurers, health care institutions, and law enforcement agencies.

ID: In lieu of applications being notarized, the Board accepts current identification documents issued within the last five years. Acceptable ID means a valid driver's license, U.S. passport, or identification card issued by any branch of the armed forces of the United States. Attach a copy of the identification to your application.

License by Examination - Requirements

The applicant has passed within two years of application the examination administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations (JCNDE) or the Dental Hygiene Certification Board of Canada.

  1. The applicant has passed, within five years of application, a clinical competency examination administered by one of the following:
    a. Any regional dental testing service before September 17, 2009.
    b. Central Regional Dental Testing Service.
    c. Council of Interstate Testing Agencies.
    d. Western Regional Examining Board.
    e. American Board of Dental Examiners.
  2. Proof of name change documentation.
  3. The applicant has evidence of current CPR.
  4. Successfully completed the online ND Jurisprudence & Ethics Examination.
  5. A notarized copy of the dental hygiene diploma.  
  6. Proof of physical health and visual acuity.
  7. An official transcript sent directly from the school.
  8.  Local anesthesia permit application if the applicant intends to utilize the expanded duty.                                

Application Packet - License by Examination

  • To expedite your application, you may send it to the Board's street address: 
    NDSBDE Office
    2900 E Broadway Ave Ste 3
    Bismarck, ND 58501

Manikin-based or Live-patient Clinical Competency Exams  Accepted

The NDBDE will accept the live-patient clinical board examinations or the manikin-based clinical competency dental hygiene exams from any of the following testing agencies:   
a. Any regional dental testing service before September 17, 2009.
b. Central Regional Dental Testing Service.
c. Council of Interstate Testing Agencies.
d. Western Regional Examining Board.
e. American Board of Dental Examiners    

License by Credential - Requirements 

 A hygienist who is licensed and has been actively practicing dentistry for three years immediately preceding application in another jurisdiction where the requirements are at least substantially equivalent to those of this state may apply to the NDBDE for a License by Credential review pursuant to the following:

  1. Successfully completed a clinical board examination approved by the Board  [ Any regional dental testing service before September 17, 2009;  Central Regional Dental Testing Service;  Council of Interstate Testing Agencies;  Western Regional Examining Board;  and the American Board of Dental Examiners (effective 4/1/2021)].  
  2. Proof of successfully completing the examination administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations (JCNDE) or the Dental Hygiene Certification Board of Canada. 
  3. Evidence of sixteen hours of continuing education in accordance with Section 20-04-01-08 (certificates of completion).
  4. Proof of name change documentation.
  5. Proof of current CPR.
  6. A local anesthesia permit application if the applicant intends to utilize the expanded duty.
  7. An official and final transcript sent directly from the school.
  8. A notarized copy of the dental hygiene diploma.  
  9. Proof of physical health and visual acuity.
  10. Successfully completed the online ND Jurisprudence & Ethics Examination.
  11. A certificate from the examining or licensing board of every jurisdiction in which the individual is licensed to practice, certifying that the individual is a licensed and registered dental hygienist in good standing in that jurisdiction.
  12. Evidence the applicant for at least three years immediately preceding application, has been licensed in good standing and has been actively practicing dental hygiene in another jurisdiction where the requirements are at least substantially equivalent to those of this state.   If applying for administration of nitrous oxide also submit statement of competency. See Rule below.

License by Credential applicants may or may not be scheduled to appear before the Board for an informal interview. Applicants required to appear at a meeting of the Board will be notified by the Executive Director in advance of a meeting.   

Application Packet - License by Credential  

  • To expedite your application, you may send it to the Board's street address: 
    NDSBDE Office
    2900 E Broadway Ave Ste 3
    Bismarck, ND 58501

Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia - New Administrative Rule 20-02-01-05(1)

1. The following standards apply to the administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia:
    a. Inhalation equipment must have a fail-safe system that is appropriately checked and calibrated. The equipment also must have either a functioning device that prohibits the delivery of less than thirty percent oxygen or an appropriately calibrated and functioning in-line oxygen analyzer with audible alarm. A scavenging system must be available if gases other than oxygen or air are used.
    b. Patient dental records must include the concentration administered and duration of administration.
    c. A dentist may not delegate monitoring of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia once the patient has ingested an enteral drug for the purpose of minimal sedation.
   d. Before authorizing a dental hygienist or registered dental assistant to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia, the dentist must have provided and documented training in the proper and safe operation of the nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia equipment.
   e. A patient receiving nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia must be continually monitored by authorized dental staff. A dental hygienist or a registered dental assistant may terminate or reduce the amount of nitrous oxide previously administered by the authorized nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia provider.
   f. The board may issue a permit authorizing the administration of nitrous oxide inhalation to a dentist or dental hygienist or registered dental assistant if the following requirements are met:
      (1) Evidence of successful completion of a twelve-hour, board-approved course of training or course provided by a program accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the United States department of education, and either:
                  (a) Completed the course within thirteen months before application; or
              (b) Completed the course more than thirteen months before application, has legally administered nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia for a period of time during the three years preceding application, and provides written documentation from a dentist that has employed or supervised the applicant, attesting to the current clinical proficiency of the applicant to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia.
        (2) Evidence of current certification in basic life support by the American heart association for the health care provider, or an equivalent program approved by the board.



An applicant must report to the board in writing any illegal, unethical, or errant behavior or conduct of the dentist, including malpractice judgements or settlements or final judgment for or against the licensee, a final disposition by a licensing agency in another state, territory, or country; all proceedings, of formal or informal actions by a governmental agency; a law enforcement agency; or a court for an act or conduct that would constitute grounds for discipline. 

If you have a conviction, or any other incident to report as required by application,  send with the application supporting documentation and/or certified copies of all court documents related to the matter discussed in the petition. Documentation includes, as applicable, a copy of any assessment or evaluation and recommendations for treatment, criminal charges, reported offenses, police reports, judgments, dispositions of criminal complaint, dispositions of offenses, final dispositions, court orders, actions pending, and deferred judgments. Not doing so may delay the licensing process.

Clinical Boards

The NDBDE accepts the following regional clinical competency examinations:

  •        Central Regional Dental Testing Service (CRDTS)
  •        Council of Interstate Testing Agencies (CITA)
  •        Western Regional Examining Board (WREB)
  •        Any regional dental testing examination successfully completed before September 17, 2009
  •        and effective 4/1/2021 the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX)

RDH Reinstatement of License - Requirements 

Required documents such as CE, references etc., may be sent to the Board after the application and application fee have been received. Once the application and fee have been received by the Board’s office the applicant will be sent criminal background check fingerprint cards with instructions.  Processing this information may take up to 14 business days. Additional requirements of reinstatement include:

1. Proof that the dental hygiene applicant has completed 16 hours of continuing education in accordance with Administrative Rule § 20-04-01-08 within two years of application.  
2. Evidence of current CPR
3. Grounds for denial of the application under NDCC § 43-28-18 do not exist.
4. The applicant must deliver to the board license verification from the examining or licensing board of every jurisdiction in which the individual is or was licensed to practice, certifying that the individual is or was licensed. The license verification form can be downloaded from the Board’s web site.
5. The applicant provides proof of employment in clinical practice or dental hygiene education for the three year period prior to application. Examples of proof of employment include W2 or a notarized letter from employer. 
6. The applicant has passed a written examination on the laws and rules governing the practice of dentistry in this state administered by the board.
7. Local Anesthesia requires a permit; Restorative Functions, Anesthesia Assistant Functions requires a renewable permit.
8. The Board may require reexamination of clinical skills.



  • To expedite your application, you may send it to the Board's street address: 
    NDSBDE Office
    2900 E Broadway Ave Ste 3
    Bismarck, ND 58501

Inactive Status

Upon payment of the fee a dental hygienist or dentist may place the license on inactive status. At the time of renewal a license that is current and in good standing may be converted to inactive status.  While on inactive status licensed dentists or dental hygienists are not required to submit continuing education.  You may wish to maintain your inactive status if you practice out of state or have retired. Inactive status permits the licensee to retain their license in good standing and avoid cancellation, and allows the licensee to receive all NDBDE mailings.

While on inactive status, the licensee may not engage in the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene in North Dakota until the individual submits a reinstatement application, pays the reinstatement fee, and meets any additional requirements established by the Board.

To maintain a North Dakota inactive license, the licensee must be renewed no later than December 31, annually. If the inactive license is not renewed the license is cancelled.

Pursuant to Section 20-02-01-04.3 a license on inactive status may be reinstated prior to the next license expiration date provided grounds for denial of the application do not exist. The practitioner must meet CE requirements and successfully complete the online jurisprudence examination.

Application Packet - Inactive Status

  • To expedite your application, you may send it to the Board's street address: 
    NDSBDE Office
    2900 E Broadway Ave Ste 3
    Bismarck, ND 58501

FAQs - Inactive and Reinstatement

Who is eligible to apply for reinstatement? 

To reinstate a license the applicant must have previously held a dental or dental hygiene license in North Dakota.  If you have not been actively practicing dentistry or dental hygiene in ND and have not kept inactive status current by annually maintaining inactive status, you may be required to apply for license by credential. To assure the Board has retained your credentials, contact the Board prior to application  (The ND Record Retention and Records Management laws require deletion of aged records).


 How do I maintain my inactive status?

To renew inactive status licensees are sent a notice of renewal by mid October, annually. The fee to remain on inactive status is $35.


 What if I fail to renew the inactive status by December 31st?

If the Board does not receive the renewal application and fee the inactive status expires. By sending the application, application fee and late fee, the inactive status may be reinstated. If the Board does not receive the application, and fees etc., by February 25, the inactive status is cancelled and cannot be renewed. 


How do I reinstate a license that is on inactive status? 

You must submit a completed reinstatement application, application fee and requirements of application. Requirements include appropriate proof of continuing education and certification in CPR within the twenty-four month period prior to requesting to reinstate the license. Upon receipt of your application and application fee, you will receive background check fingerprint cards. Instructions for taking an online jurisprudence and ethics exam are also sent to the applicant. The completed application is reviewed by the full Board for approval.  To determine the status of your application process, you may view documents received by the Board by logging in on the Board’s web site.  


Once I have submitted the application and requirements, when will I receive the license?

License applications are reviewed when the Board meets.  Completed applications which have met the requirements of licensure are granted licensure by majority vote of the Board during it’s meeting. Applicants may verify license status online.


Are there any other requirements that may be of concern to an RDH reinstatement applicant?

If you have been actively practicing dental hygiene in the three year period prior to application or have passed a clinical competency examination administered by a regional dental testing service, approved by the board in section 20-04-01-04, within two years of application, you are eligible for reinstatement. The board may, within the board’s discretion, waive this requirement.