A North Dakota criminal history record check is a search of confidential law enforcement databases, cross-referencing by the person’s name, date of birth, social security number and other specific identifiers (including fingerprints). The extensive cross-referencing ensures that the result relates only to that person, even if the person has used several names or there are other individuals with the same name. Pursuant to the North Dakota Century Code, only the ND Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) can supply a Criminal History Record Check.
Once an application for ND dental or dental hygiene license and license fee have been received by the North Dakota State Board of Dental Examiners, two traditional ink fingerprint cards and instructions are mailed to the applicant. Delaying the fingerprinting process may delay your license.
“Reason Fingerprinted” should specify the type of license you are applying for (dental or dental hygiene)
Please be advised that if your fingerprint cards are rejected, you will be notified and processing of your application may be delayed. Do not attempt to take your own fingerprints. They will be rejected.
Mail the fully completed cards and forms, along with your fee as instructed on the card to:
NDSBDEYour FBI Identification Record may reflect instances in which you were arrested and fingerprinted. You may obtain and challenge your FBI identification record. Information that is produced on the FBI Identification Record matched to fingerprint submissions and not reported to the Board, delays the licensure process. The Board cannot provide the record, the practitioner must obtain the record directly from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Instuctional Brochure - "How to Obtain and Challenge Your FBI Identification Record"
If you have a conviction, or any other incident to report as required by application, send with the application supporting documentation and/or certified copies of all court documents related to the matter discussed in the petition. Documentation includes, as applicable, a copy of any assessment or evaluation and recommendations for treatment, criminal charges, reported offenses, police reports, judgments, dispositions of criminal complaint, dispositions of offenses, final dispositions, court orders, actions pending, and deferred judgments. Not doing so may delay the licensing process.
FAILURE TO DISCLOSE CRIMINAL HISTORY - Before you submit any application, please be aware that failure to disclose disciplinary actions, convictions, arrests or charges is grounds for denial or revocation of license. There are no exceptions under which omission of this information in the application or renewal process is deemed acceptable. It should be noted that such information does not automatically disallow licensure. However, disqualification may occur by failing to answer all questions honestly. Read each question on your application carefully.
Examples of past unacceptable explanations provided in “failure to report” incidents to the Board include:
Ø I didn’t think I had to mention the DUI because I paid all of the fines.
Ø I didn’t think the disciplinary action, arrest, charge, or conviction was still on my record and I was told it was expunged.
Ø My attorney told me I didn’t have to disclose the criminal conduct or disciplinary actions.
Ø I didn’t think the prior conduct had anything to do with the profession.
Ø I didn’t think it was subject to disclosure because I received a deferred sentence/judgment.
Ø I didn’t read the question carefully enough.
New license applications and license renewal applications contain questions related to disciplinary actions, illegal or errant behavior and criminal conduct. After receiving a professional license, all license holders continue to be subject to reporting requirements regarding any disciplinary actions, charges or convictions, regardless of in what state they might occur. Please review NDCC § 43-28-18.1. Duty to Report.
A ND criminal history check is a search of confidential law enforcement databases, cross-referencing by the person's name, date of birth, SSN, and other specific identifiers - including fingerprints. The extensive cross-referencing ensures that the result relates only to that person, even if the person has used several names or there are other individuals with the same name. Pursuant to the North Dakota Century Code, only the ND Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) can supply a Criminal History Record Check.
Once the Board receives the completed fingerprint cards from the applicant, the cards and the applicant’s check are sent to the FBI. The results typically require at least two weeks. However, an applicant may have to repeat the process if the prints are smudged or cannot be read.
No. The record is confidential and cannot be reproduced, disseminated, e-mailed or distributed. The Board will ask for further information depending on the information received. The Board may provide a copy to the applicant. The Board's legal staff may review the document.
Yes, keep in mind the fingerprint is associated with an arrest record rather than a name or other identifier. Results are extremely accurate.
Local, county or state law enforcement agencies may take your fingerprints for a fee. Private companies offer a livescan service – check the business listings online or in the yellow pages. If finger prints are taken at a livescan site, please enclose either the card printed at the livescan sit or the acknowledgement form printed by the livescan.
You may obtain a copy of your FBI Identification Record by sending a request to: Federal Bureau of Investigation
CJIS Division