Inactivating and Reinstating Your License

Inactive Status | FAQs - Inactive and Reinstatement

Reinstatement of Dental Hygienist License

Reinstatement applications and the associated application fee must be received by the Board 30 days prior to the Board's meeting.  Other required documents may be sent and received by the Board after the application has been received. Once the application and fee have been received by the Board’s office the applicant will be sent criminal background check fingerprint cards with instructions.  Processing this information may take up to 14 business days. All fees are non refundable. Additional requirements of reinstatement include:

  1. Proof that the dental hygienist has completed 16hours of continuing education in accordance with Administrative Rule 20-04-01 within two years of application.  
  2. Evidence of current CPR.
  3. Grounds for denial of the application under NDCC § 43-28-18 do not exist.
  4. The applicant must deliver to the board license verification from the examining or licensing board of every jurisdiction in which the individual is or was licensed to practice, certifying that the individual is or was licensed. 
  5. The applicant provides proof of employment in clinical dental practice or dental education for the five years prior to application. Examples of proof of employment include W2 or a notarized letter from employer.
  6. The applicant has passed a written examination on the laws and rules governing the practice of dentistry in this state administered by the board.
  7. Sedation/Anesthesia administration requires a renewable permit - Local anesthesia, nitrous oxide administration, restorative functions, and anesthesia assistant. FMI: Expanded function permits
  8. The Board may require reexamination of clinical skills.

Download Reinstatement Application Packet

Inactive License Status

A license that is current and in good standing may converted to Inactive Status at the time of renewal, December 31 of odd numbered years. If you are not practicing in North Dakota, inactive status allows you to maintain your license without revocation and continuing education requirements. You may wish to maintain your inactive status if you practice out of state or have retired. Inactive status permits the licensee to retain their license in good standing and avoid cancellation, and allows the licensee to receive all NDBDE mailings.

A practitioner may upon payment of an annual fee, place the license on inactive status. 

While on inactive status, the licensee may not engage in the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene in North Dakota until the individual submits a reinstatement application, pays the reinstatement fee, and meets any additional requirements established by rule of the board. 

North Dakota statutes governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene stipulate that to maintain your North Dakota inactive license you must renew your inactive license no later than December 31, of odd numbered years.  If the inactive license is not renewed the license is cancelled. 

Pursuant to Section 20-02-01-04.3 a license on inactive status may be reinstated prior to the next license expiration date provided grounds for denial of the application under the North Dakota Century Code section 43-28-18 do not exist. The practitioner must meet CE requirements and successfully complete the online jurisprudence.


FAQs - Inactive and Reinstatement

Who is eligible to apply for reinstatement? 

To reinstate a license the applicant must have previously held a dental or dental hygiene license in North Dakota. The Board maintains records of licensure for ten years. Therefore, if you have not maintained INACTIVE STATUS in ND for ten years previous to the REINSTATEMENT application, you may be required to apply for license by credential. To assure the Board has retained your credentials, contact the Board prior to application  (The ND Record Retention and Records Management laws require deletion of aged records).

 How do I maintain my inactive status?

To renew inactive status licensees are sent a notice of renewal by mid October, annually. The fee to remain on inactive status is $40.

 What if I fail to renew the inactive status by December 31st?

If the Board does not receive the renewal application and fee the inactive status expires. By sending the application, application fee and late fee, the inactive status may be reinstated. If the Board does not receive the application, and fees etc., by March 1st of the odd-numbered year, the inactive status is cancelled and cannot be renewed. Then it must be reinstated to practice in the state again. 

How do I reinstate a license that is on inactive status? 

You must submit a completed reinstatement application, application fee and requirements of application. Requirements include appropriate proof of continuing education and certification in CPR within the twenty-four month period prior to requesting to reinstate the license. Upon receipt of your application and application fee, you will receive background check fingerprint cards and instructions for taking an online jurisprudence and ethics exam. To determine the status of your application process, you may view documents received by the Board by logging in on the Board’s Application Status page.   


Once I have submitted the application and requirements, when will I receive the license?

Applicants which have met the requirements of reinstatement are granted licensure upon receipt of all requirements.  Applicants may verify license status online.

Are there any other requirements of concern to an RDH or DDS reinstatement applicant? 

If you have been actively practicing dental hygiene in the three year period prior to application you are eligible for reinstatement. 

Are there any other requirements of concern to a DDS reinstatement applicant?

If you have been actively practicing dentistry in the five year period prior to application you are eligible for reinstatement.