Registered Dental Assistant Registration


There are two pathways available to become registered as an RDA (Registered Dental Assistant). 

Pathway 1.  The applicant has successfully completed a dental assisting program, accredited by the ADA's Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) or a Board approved program, or was certified by Dental Assistant National Board (DANB) within 12 months of application; and

a.   Successfully completed the ND Ethics and Jurisprudence exam offered during a dental assisting program or the online version of the Ethics and Jurisprudence examination. Prior to taking the online Jurisprudence Examination, the applicant MUST submit the application and fee. The Board must have your identifying information before you can login.

b.   Provided verification of current CPR training taken within 24 months of application. Online CPR courses are not accepted.; 

c.   Grounds for denial of the application under the North Dakota Century Code section 43-20-05 do not exist.

Pathway 2.  The applicant has successfully completed a dental assisting program accredited by CODA or approved by the Board, or has been certified by DANB and completed 16 hours of continuing education in accordance with Section 20-03-01-06 within 24 months of application; and

a.   Provide evidence of sixteen hours of continuing education in accordance with Section 20-03-01-06.

b.  Successfully complete the online version of the Ethics and Jurisprudence examination. Prior to taking the online  Jurisprudence Examination, the applicant MUST submit the application and fee. The Board must have your identifying information before you can login.

c.   Provided verification of CPR taken within 24 months of application. Online CPR courses are not accepted.

d.   Grounds for denial of the application under the North Dakota Century Code section 43-20-05 do not exist.

APPLICATION STATUS: You may check your application status and take the online Jurisprudence exam on the application status page. This will list what documents the Board has received and what documents are missing before your license/registration will be issued. The Board office updates the status as documents are received in the Board office. The Jurisprudence exam is required for all applicants. You MUST submit your application and fee to the Board before you can take the Jurisprudence Exam! We must have your information before you can login. You do not need a login password or license number to login.

RDA Initial Application

Endorsements - Expanded Duties - DANB Certification

Sealant and Monitoring Nitrous Oxide Sedation Duties

An RDA who successfully completes a CODA approved program or provides evidence of Board approved training for the  duties of placing pit and fissure sealants or monitoring nitrous oxide inhalation therapy may be authorized by endorsement to provide the duties. If you have completed the training and the endorsement is not seen on your registration card, contact the Board.  The Rutgers Nitrous Oxide Sedation for the Dental Team DVD is an instructional video approved by the NDBDE for the duty of MONITORING nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia.

Dental Anesthesia Assistant and Restorative Duties - Permit Authorization Required

The Board may issue or renew a permit authorizing an RDA to provide dental anesthesia assistance under the supervision of a dentist who is authorized by a permit from the NDBDE to utilize sedation or anesthesia.

The Board may also issue or renew a permit authorizing an RDA under the direct supervision of a dentist to provide restorative functions. The permit must be renewed when the registration is renewed. Two hours of CE related to the expanded duty is required for the permit renewal.

All dental assistant registrations and permits expire December 31 of even numbered years. See Administrative Rule 20-03-01-05  for requirements of permit and education required.

As of July 1, 2022 a registered dental assistant may be authorized by permit to ADMINISTER nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia. The course, Essentials of Nitrous Oxide for Dentistry, meets the requirements for education required to administer N2O2 therapy.

           Permit Application to ADMINISTER Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia

DANB Certification and Expanded Duties

The NDBDE recognizes DANB as the dental assistant certifying body. Registered dental assistants certified by DANB must provide proof of Board accepted courses to provide to providing sealants, or monitoring nitrous oxide inhalation therapy. 

To become authorized to provide expanded duties of administering nitrous oxide therapy or restorative functions or dental anesthesia assistant, a DANB RDA must provide evidence of a Board accepted course, submit a permit application for the expanded duty and meet the requirements of application. 

The DANB certifying examination or CDA, consists of the Radiation Health and Safety (RHS) exam, Infection Control (ICE) exam and the General Chairside (GC) exam. Dental assistants are eligible to take the CDA examination if they have successfully completed a dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation; have on the job training; or have graduated from non-accredited programs. Click on the DANB link for further information.